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Market Square, Letterkenny-A Space for People


Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Donegal County Council launched an architectural competition in July 2020 to re-imagine Market Square as a great public place that people want to experience and spend time in. The public are now invited to vote for their favourite design from the 6 shortlisted submissions.


The brief for the competition invited concept design proposals to imagine how Market Square can be a central public space that conveys and communicates the DNA of Letterkenny and its people and fully meets the need for useable public and civic space in the heart of the town centre.


President of Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce, Michael Margey, commended all participants and said, ‘We are delighted with the incredible response to the competition in relation to both the level and quality of design submissions. This is a very inspiring competition to re-think how we experience Market Square and how it might be improved as a central public space that will attract people to come to Letterkenny town centre and stay longer in it. We see this as a very important project in supporting our local businesses particularly as we move out of Covid and where outdoor space in our town centre has become even more essential for business and trade.’ 


Cathaoirleach of Letterkenny-Milford Municipal District, Cllr Donal Coyle referenced the importance of the competition saying, ‘Market Square is at the very heart of our town centre, geographically, socially and economically. It can play a crucial part in strengthening our town centre as a really vibrant place. This is a great opportunity for the public to be part of this competition and the public vote will help the Evaluation Team to complete their deliberations to decide on the winning design. I would encourage everyone to take part in the online vote and help us to re-imagine this important space’.


Toni Forrester, Chief Executive Officer of Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce  referenced the resilience of Letterkenny businesses and wider community saying, ‘Letterkenny is a vibrant urban centre and we want to support our business community as we move into a post-covid phase and our town centre begins to reopen and welcome people back into it. We recognize that our town centre must adapt to the increasing changes to the way we shop and access services. This project is a step forward to improve the experience and attractiveness of the town centre as a great place to live in, to work in, to invest in and to visit. Market square is a space for the whole community and we are therefore very interested to get the public’s feedback on the shortlisted design concepts’.


Liam Ward, Director of Service, Community Development and Planning Services, outlined the wider programme for regeneration in the town centre saying, ‘This is an exciting time for Letterkenny town centre where the Market Square competition is one of a number of regeneration efforts to enhance and renew Letterkenny town centre. It is supported by the recent announcement by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage in relation to our successful funding application to the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund. This funding announcement included support for the capital investment to deliver a new public space at Market Square. We are therefore committed to this architectural competition and this will be followed by further design and development towards planning consent and ultimately delivery. The competition also sits alongside a broader project to prepare a Regeneration Strategy for the town centre known as Letterkenny 2040 which will provide a roadmap of priority actions and projects to renew the town centre to 2040’.


The public can get involved by checking out the shortlisted design concepts at and voting for their favourite. Votes can be placed up to midnight on Friday 30th April 2021. Information relating to the shortlisted design concepts can also be viewed in the shop window of ‘A-Wear’ on Main Street, Letterkenny. As a key component of the competition, the public votes will directly inform the final decision of the Evaluation Team on the winning design concept.


Access further information and the public vote at:



By scanning the QR code below:


 Market Square, Letterkenny-A Space for People












This project is a collaboration of Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce and Donegal County Councils Planning Services and Regeneration and Development Team.

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